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We are so blessed to have our very own Catholic School.  In a time when the whole world seems to go crazy, would you not rather have your children be given a chance to become a GOD fearing and GOD loving adult and be given a chance to make it into heaven?  Catholic education is the best there is.


Even if we do not have our children or grand children in this blessed school, we can still support it - and it does not cost us anything!  Of course: Prayer, but also by purchasing SCRIP.


SCRIP are gift cards, for which you get the whole amount as stated on the card.  And the school gets a percentage of "kick-back" - depending on the vendor.


How do I go about helping our school?  Simply download the SCRIP order sheet, give it to Fr. Peter one week and you receive the gift card the following week.  How's that for a service?!  SCRIP makes also great gif for Christmas, Easter, birthdays and any other occasion.  We need to eat and drink anyway, so why not help the school a little...


BTW, this is not just for St Joseph Church and School.  St. Francis de Sales Church can help just the same, or anyone for that matter.  Thank you!

Explanation of this SCRIP order form:

  • SCRIP - below you find the vendors who offer these gift cards.

  • AMOUNT - is the $ amount of the card that can be purchased (can also purchase multiple cards)

  • % - is the percentage that our school gets a kickback

  • the empty square - fill in the total amount of your purchase

  • Fill in your name and date.

  • give this order form to Fr. Peter with your check (made out to St Joseph - SCRIP)

  • pick up your order the following week.



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